Swedish Spa Village for Sale

Medical Cottage at Sätra brunn

Located about 90 minutes north of Stockholm, Sweden, the spa village of Sätra brunn is on the market for $7 million.

Established more than 300 years ago, the village is home to just over 300 people and is famous for its spa facilities. The town was founded by Samuel Skragge, a doctor who believed in the healing powers of mineral water.

For more about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, see the news articles on CNN and Business Insider, and read details of the real estate listing in the New York Times.  The deadline to make your offer is August 16th.

Also check out the official Sätra brunn gallery. The text is in Swedish, but the photos are universal.

Map: Sätra brunn is marked in red

Photo credits: The Medicinal Cottage, the Socialite House, the Middle Croft and the Bergabo, all by Gustav Lundin. No alterations have been made to the photos. License: CC BY-SA 4.0.
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